Xcalc – Math advance calculator

Monday, April 12, 2010

Math Calculator

xcalc is an on-screen calculator program for the X Window System. It can be used in algebraic mode or in reverse polish notation. Early versions also featured a slide rule mode, but this was removed for X11R4, which was released in 1989. The sliderule[1] program for the BSD operating systems is based on the slide rule in xcalc.

To input numbers use the numbers on your telephone, “#” inputs a point. To input operators or functions press “*”. The position of the functions on the screen maps to the position on your mobile phone keyboard.

You can draw a graph if the formula contains an “x” or “y” and your press Calc.

To navigate in the graph press “2″ and “8″ for up and down and press “4″ and “6″ for left and right. Or press the corresponding up, left right, down key of your mobile.

To scale the graph on the y-axis press “3″ for zoom out and “9″ for zoom in. For zooming on the x-axis press “1″ and “7″. It is also possible to change the scale of the axis in the options menu.

To leave the graph window press “*” again.

The functions sin, cos, tan, … uses as default radians as input values. You can change the trig-function mode in the options menu to radians, degrees or grad.

Download and save the Java apps file to your mobile phone, then install it by accessing your File Manager.

Download the file here : xcalc


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